08. Parents & Carers
The school careers adviser will be available for booked appointments at Year 11 and Year 9 subject evenings as well as at GCSE options evenings. E-mail and telephone requests are also supported and encouraged. Regular careers related information and events will also feature in the school's newsletter JoG news. Support will also be offered on A-level and GCSE results days. Virtual Teams meeting with students and parents can be requested and accommodated by contacting mperraton@jogschool.org
We are always interested in parent feedback. If you have any comments / ideas for improvement on the school’s careers education, information and guidance programme or would like to get involved, then please use the form on the following link https://www.johnofgauntschool.org/form/?pid=17&form=19
Useful websites for parents:
CareerPilot Parent Zone - https://www.careerpilot.org.uk/parent-zone
University Options https://www.theuniguide.co.uk/advice/advice-for-parents
Life skills Parent Zone – Building Employability and Resilience Skills https://www.barclayslifeskills.com/parents/
Apprenticeships https://amazingapprenticeships.com/parents/
Advice for parents of children with special educational needs or disability (SEND)
Wiltshire Local Offer https://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/local-offer
Wiltshire Parent and Carer Council http://www.wiltshireparentcarercouncil.co.uk/en/Home_Page